An Overview of the Day
start our day about 9AM by confirming the number of teams
on each of the courses with each participating troop. While the
leaders complete this task, the Scouts can attend a presentation
explaining the basics of Orienteering. The Scout Leaders get an
envelope containing punch cards and event patches for each team
that is competing. It is important to see that each team is given
a punch card for the proper course. The names of the scouts on
each team need to be added to the stubs of these cards so we know
who was on each team at the afternoon award presentations.
9:56 AM the 10:00 AM starters will be called to
the first start line. There will be Scouts and Scouters starting
at one minute intervals on each course until around noon. Everyone
needs to be at the start area at least 5, and preferably 10 minutes
before their listed start time since very few empty slots exist.
Missing a start time may cause a very lengthy wait until another
opening is available. We try to arrange starts so there are leaders
at the assembly area the entire time that there are scouts from
their troop waiting to start, but we also start some leaders from
each troop earlier hoping they will finish in time to be at the
finish when their first groups come in.
The time taken on a course varies a lot from team to team, but
the vast majority arrive at finish 40 to 90 minutes after they
have started. They need to be sure to check in with the finish
crew and give them the punch card that they have carried on the
course. The card has a number on it that will be matched with
the same numbered stub that was removed at start when they began
the course. The punch marks are checked and the results tabulations
begin. This is a great time to plan a rest beak and some lunch.
1:30 PM there is an informational meeting that at least
one member, preferably the Senior Patrol Leader, of each troop
needs to attend. At this meeting the rules and format of the afternoon
Score Orienteering event will be explained. This part of the event
is a source of a major part of the Troop Competition points. After
this meeting each troop gets their map packet for the afternoon
event. The troops have a half hour to plan strategy and return
to the meeting spot for a mass start. In this part of the event
each team may go to any controls that exist in the park. Each
control has a set number of points and all teams must return to
the finish within an hour to receive credit for their finds.
2:00 PM the mass start begins with a whistle. The afternoon
punch cards are marked just prior to starting so no one can leave
early. Troops must turn in their punch sheets at finish in one
stack stapled together with the troop number on at least the top
sheet, preferably on every sheet. Once a packet is turned in no
additional sheets may be added to the pile.
3:00 PM the finish crew stops collecting punch sheets.
Troop points are determined by first calculating the number of
points per team, then by ranking the troops by points per team,
and awarding each troop one point for every other troop they have
3:10 the Awards presentations begin. We have trophies for
the top finishers on each course. The number of places receiving
trophies on each course is proportional to the number of teams
that competed on that course, but even in the smallest categories
the first three finishers get trophies.
By 4:00 PM we expect to have everyone ready to head back
to camp or home. The Troop Points will be calculated over the
next few days and those trophies will be mailed to the winners
address as listed on the unit's pre registration form.
We appreciate it when units that must leave prior to the awards
presentation make arrangements with a neighboring unit to retrieve
any trophies they may win and transport them home for them.
